About Us
A rural fire district protecting 16.5 square miles
The Seal Rock Rural Fire Protection District is a rural fire district with both volunteer and paid firefighters. The district is governed by a district elected five person board of directors.
The district protects 16.5 square miles of residential, commercial, and wildland properties providing structural and wildland fire protection and also providing non-transport medical and surf rescue response.
The district has two firehouse locations, Seal Rock and Bayshore, providing fire response vehicles and equipment for timely emergency response.
We Have Mutual Aid With:
- Central Oregon Coast Fire & Rescue
- Depoe Bay Fire District
- Newport Fire Department
- North Lincoln Fire & Rescue
- Pacific West Ambulance
- Toledo Fire Department
- Yachats Volunteer Fire Department
Mission Statement
Protecting Lives, Property and Resources
The Seal Rock Fire Protection District mission is to provide life safety, property protection, emergency medical response, mitigate and protect from hazardous material events, and begin the recovery process from large scale disasters whether natural or man made.
These tasks are accomplished through the districts budget process, constant training, and the professionalism ad dedication of our district firefighters to the best of our ability letting the taxpayers know "WE CARE".